Portable Appliance Testing (PAT testing)
Carraher Electrical can carry out Portable Appliance Testing and label and certify that the portable appliances have been tested.
What is PAT Testing?
It is basically a repeat of a test that is carried out when the appliance is manufactured. PAT testing covers appliances such as kettles, computers, photocopiers, microwaves, extension leads, power boards, power tools.
Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use. Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can only be found by testing. However, it is essential to understand that visual examination is an essential part of the process because some types of electrical safety defect can’t be detected by testing alone.
Do I need to keep records of testing and should I label any appliances tested?
There is no legal requirement to label equipment that has been inspected or tested, nor is there a requirement to keep records of these activities. However, a record and / or labelling can be a useful management tool for monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the maintenance scheme – and to demonstrate that a scheme exists.
If there is a safety audit undertaken then records of testing are quite useful
How often is PAT testing required ?
There is no time frame set out for PAT testing but appliances that are regularly used should be checked at least once a year.
All appliances should be visually checked by users every time they and used.