Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting shall be provided for use when the normal lighting fails in order to facilitate the safe exit from buildings. We can design, install, commission and test emergency lighting systems. All emergency lighting systems should be tested at regular intervals. Visual inspection every week Half hour test every three months 3 hour test once […]
PAT testing
Portable Appliance Testing, PAT testing as it is normally called ensures that the appliances you use everyday are electrically sound. In some countries it is a legal requirement to PAT test appliances. In Ireland it is a requirement to ensure that all electrical appliances in the work place are in a safe condition for the […]
Smell of burning is a sure sign of trouble
If you get a peculiar smell from a switch or socket, please stop using it. Call an electrician to investigate it. I have regularly been called to houses where a switch has burnt out. On investigation the customer had noticed a peculiar smell in the previous days. If a switch is warm to touch it is a problem. […]
Came across this yesterday. Shower had stopped working
The pull cord switch was badly burnt. Luckily the shower stopped working before a fire was started. The customers were lucky. They had got a funny fishy smell before the shower stopped working. If in doubt please switch off appliances and get them checked out.